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Earth From Space Pics: Isle Juan de Nova
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Earth From Space Pics: Isle Juan de Nova
In the Mozambique Channel between Madagascar and the African mainland. The beautiful colors rival the amazing places in the Caribbea (11-15-2010).
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Incredible Photos from Space: ‘Earthshine’
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Worlds Largest Animals On The Earth
World's Biggest Animals
Going to need a bigger boat : Humans think of themselves as the most important creatures ever to walk the planet. But when it comes to size, humans are mere peanuts next to ballpark-sized animals. Here's a snapshot — you never know what a paleontologist will dig up — of some of the biggest animals that have walked our planet, present and past. Pictured here is the megalodon, also known as Carcharocles megalodon. This creature was a 52-foot shark with jaws big enough to swallow a rhinoceros. It lived about 25 to 1.5 million years ago. Some believers think it may still lurk in our deepest oceans today, though there is no proof of this. |
World's Biggest Dog : Say hello to this gargantuan specimen named Hercules, purportedly the Guinness Record holder for World's Biggest Dog. Hercules is an English Mastiff and has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds. With "paws the size of softballs", the three-year-old monster is far larger and heavier than his breed's standard 200lb. limit. Hercules owner Mr. Flynn says that Hercules weight is natural and not induced by a bizarre diet: "I fed him normal food and he just grew, and grew, and grew”. |
Giant short-faced bear : The polar bear is currently the largest bear on Earth, standing at around 8 feet tall. That's still a few feet short of the biggest bear, which is thought to be the South-American giant short-faced bear. Also known as Arctodus, this bear is believed to have tipped the scales at 3,500 pounds and stood 11 feet tall, which is even taller than this diagram shows. Experts say this bear wandered South America from about 500,000 to 2 million years ago. Based on observations of a skeleton (click here for a photo) discovered in 1935 in Argentina, National Geographic reports that "there's nothing else that even comes close" in terms of this powerful meat-eater. |
World's Biggest Horse : Radar, a Belgian draught horse, is the World’s Tallest Living Horse. This huge horse, at 6ft 71/2in from hoof to shoulder, is from Mount Pleasant, Texas. At 2,400lb, he has a giant appetite to match, putting away 20 gallons of water a day and 18lb of grain. |
Argentavis : The largest bird to fly, Argentavis magnificens, was believed to have flown like a high-performance glider, according to experts. This bird was believed to have lived 6 million years ago in Argentina. It was close to the size of a Cessna 152 airplane. As NPR reports, this bird was rather like "a bald eagle with wings that stretch for 21 feet from tip to tip and feathers the size of Samurai swords." It is believed to have soared on the winds like a glider and could reach speeds of up to 150 mph. Experts are still not sure how it achieved landing and takeoff. |
World’s Biggest Cow : As big as a small elephant, Big Cow Chilli and he's described as a gentle giant. Chilli the giant bullock stands at 6ft 6ins and weighs well over a ton. Despite his grand stature, Chilli only grazes on grass during the day and enjoys the occasional swede as a treat. |
World's Biggest Pig : The Liaoning Provincial Agricultural Museum is appealing to the Guinness Book of Records to recognise a 900 kg (1984 pounds) pig which died on February 5 as the biggest pig ever. When the pig died it was 2.5 metres long, had a waistline of 2.23 metres and a tusk of 14.4 centimetres long. According to XU Changjin, a farmer of Wafangdian city, the pig was only 5 years old. He kept his pig in a good built sty and gave it quality food all its life. |
Reticulated python : The animals of prehistory were massive, but there are definitely some heavyweights that exist today. The longest snake is the reticulated python and it generally reaches lengths of up to 20 feet — though the record is 33 feet. They are usually tame but can be "a jumpy and unpredictable species." They are often kept as pets but can turn out to be too much for their owners (click here for a photo of nine men holding one). Python reticulatis is found in the lakes and rivers of Central and South America. It is non-venomous, but it could kill a grown man through strangulation. |
World's Biggest Catfish : At 646LB this Mekong Giant Catfish is the largest freshwater fish in the world. With nearly nine feet long (2.7 meters) and as big as a grizzly bear, this huge catfish caught in northern Thailand may be the largest freshwater fish ever recorded. Although there are many claims and rumours about the world’s largest freshwater specimens, especially from misguided anglers. However, in the eyes of scientist's the Mekong Giant Catfish has taken pole position with the recorded capture of this huge 646LB specimen by local fishermen in 2005. Many anglers over look the fact that some larger fish that can be caught in the worlds rivers, such as Sturgeon, migrate between river and sea, and therefore not considered to be freshwater species in the true sense of the word. |
The blue whale : There's one animal that exists today that measures up to the ancient behemoths. The blue whale can measure up to 100 feet in length and weigh as much as 150 tons. Today most blue whales only reach lengths of 75 to 80 feet because whale hunters tend to target the largest of the species, according to experts. About 50 people could stand on the tongue of an adult blue whale. Even a baby blue whale is gigantic — a newborn calf can be as long as 25 feet and drink as much as 100 gallons of its mother's milk a day. Endangered since the mid-1960s, only 10,000 blue whales are believed to still exist. |
World's Tallest Dog : Hercules might be the biggest dog in the world, but the tallest according to the Guinness World Records is Gibson, a Harlequin Great Dane, who is 42.2 inches. The 170-pound Dane is more than 7 feet tall, taller than most NBA basketball players. |
African elephant : While the blue whale is the largest animal in the ocean, the African elephant is the biggest land animal. The African elephant can live as long as 70 years, can stand as high as 13 feet in the shoulder and weigh as much as 14,000 pounds. They are perhaps among the cleanest animals on the planet, as National Geographic notes that the animal enjoys a good trunk shower, "often spray(ing) its skin with a protective coating of dust." Like the blue whale, its existence on Earth is threatened. Average weight: 8500 kg Maximum weight: 13000 kg Average length: 6.66 meters |
Worlds Biggest
World's 10 Best Places to Live
Where would you be the safest if World War 3 broke out tomorrow? Perhaps it’s a grim subject, but safety and distance from world conflict can be a motivating factor in your choice to expatriate. At the very least, conflict around the world can weigh heavy on the soul, and it’s nice to know there are some places still left in the world where you might be left in peace. Thus, we’ve assembled a list of the 10 best places to live if you want to escape world conflict.
Switzerland’s long history of neutrality and its tucked away location among the valleys of the Alps still make it a safe bet, even despite having a high number of bordering nations. It helps that neighboring Austria is also considered a neutral nation.
Costa Rica has a stable democracy, a disbanded military and a national policy of neutrality. It also ranks highly on the Global Peace Index, Happy Planet Index, and Life Satisfaction Index. Although it sits in the middle of a tumultuous region, there are far worse places to sit in peace as the world goes down in flames all around.
There are regions of Papua New Guinea that are still being discovered for the first time. The canopy covered, mountainous nation contains some of the most isolated places in the world. Tuck yourself away in a nook here and it may be one of the few places left where you can completely insulate yourself from the outside world.
Canada is the second largest nation in the world, yet it only shares a land border with one other country– the U.S.A.– and it is a peaceful border. That means there is a great expanse to escape to, if need be. Furthermore, Canada has few world enemies, ranks consistently high on the Global Peace Index, and is relatively homogeneous.
Finland has a long history of desiring to stay out of international conflicts, is recognized as neutral and always ranks in the top 10 of the Global Peace Index. It’s northerly location also typically means the remote areas of this country are a perfect place to disappear.
Isolated in the middle of Micronesia, Tuvalu is among the safest and most remote places in the world. It is the third least populated country on Earth, and the forth smallest. There are only a few places more distant from the world’s strife than Tuvalu.
Iceland, of course, has no borders, has remote locations, is stable as a country and has virtually no world enemies. Its people are happy and the nation always ranks highly on the Global Peace Index. If world conflict erupts, Iceland is one of the few stable nations in the world unlikely to get caught up in the middle.
Landlocked among the Himalaya mountains, Bhutan is one of the most isolated nations in the world. It also showcases one of the most stable balances in the world between moderization and retention of ancient culture. Its religious population believes in peaceful resolution to all conflict, and although it sits in a troubled region, it remains protected by its geography.
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Switzerland |
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Costa Rica |
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Papua New Guinea |
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Canada |
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Seychelles |
Aside from being safely isolated from the rest of the world in the middle of the Indian Ocean, this beautiful island nation is a great place to forget about your worries. Isolation is the key here. And conflict is as transparent as the water.
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Finland |
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Tuvalu |
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Iceland |
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Bhutan |
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New Zealand |
New Zealand might be the most isolated and expansive fully developed nation in the world. It shares no borders, sits relatively distant from any other nation, has no real national enemies, has a safe democracy and a diverse landscape with many remote places to hide away within
Eco Green,
Worlds Best
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