Apple iphone to be launched in 20 more countries in august
Tim Cook,COO,Apple said during a recent conference that it expects to launch the iPhone 3G in about 20 more countries on August 22 ,2008.Most probabily India is one of these 20 countries as cited by Vodafone also which is the first mobile service provider launching Iphone 3G in India followed by Airtel(15 days later).
The iPhone 3G is at present shipping in 22 countries including only four in Asia-PAcific region (Australia, Hong Kong, Japan ,New Zealand).The Apple Store ha currently more than 900 apps available, with over 20 percent of them free.
The iPhone 3G is at present shipping in 22 countries including only four in Asia-PAcific region (Australia, Hong Kong, Japan ,New Zealand).The Apple Store ha currently more than 900 apps available, with over 20 percent of them free.