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Top 10 rapidshare tips and tricks.for unlimited movies download

Most people are always amazed as how to doenload multiple files at the same time using Rapidhsare.
And many want a way to bypass the 1 hour download time as imposed by rapidshare.
This post is not somthing related to hacking rapidshared website or their server but is just providing you tips and tricks to work smarter with rapidshare and we call it rapidshare hacking.

If you want to bypass the 1 hour download thing at rapid share than use this process:

Open command promt by typing cmd in RUn option of your windows.

Then in that black command window type the following:

@echo off
echo ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /flushdns
echo ipconfig /release
ipconfig /release
echo ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /renew

Thats it and this will clear everything and you can downlaod continously on rapidshare.
Download after download and no one is there to police you now

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